Logo Yukon Spring Inc.

Surface of the water with water drop
92281 Alaska Highway
Whitehorse, Yukon
Y1A 4K9
C a n a d a

(867)  633-3877






" A Taste Of The Yukon "

WHAT'S NEW 2012-2013

In 2012 we were getting settled in the new facility. It was time to come up with another plan to further our goal of becoming GREENER. In November 2012, Paul and Nikki took a trip south to see a machine that bags water. This new concept of packaging water was exciting. There was so much to take into consideration. CARBON FOOTPRINT was at the top of the list. By moving over to the bag in bag system, we could decrease our carbon footprint by over half (no more hot water for washing and sanitizing bottles and elimination of discarded bottles caps (landfill reduction)). The film used to make the bags is 100% recyclable, 100% biodegradable and BPA free. We would not have to deal with the 18.9L bottles coming back damaged and/or contaminated. This new way of packaging water was looking better by the day, and keeping in line with society going greener, made the decision a win win.

By early 2013, the decision was made to purchase the new bag in bag machine, which arrived at the beginning of May 2013. All things take time to perfect. September 3, 2013 we launched the new bag in bag system. It is a slow process to switch all of our customers over but we are hopeful by the end of 2013, the 18.9L bottles will be phased out completely. 

Yukon Spring Bag Machine


Animation with water glass, water fall and H2O Sign

Nikki and Paul drinking Yukon Spring-Premium water

   "The multi-generational beverage
                       of choice"